The Endgame (I promise there’s no spoilers!)

Last night I went to the premiere night of Avengers Endgame. Despite my love for this film and the Marvel Comic Universe, that isn’t what we are going to talk about.

Besides the ending of an incredible saga I left the theater with an all together amazing feeling. That feeling came from the communal experience with hundreds of other fans. Moments when fans cheered, laughed, cried, and gasped together. Part of the incredible experience was sharing it with the other people, despite being complete strangers.

Communal experience is powerful. I’ve seen it during some of our full school assemblies and group celebrations. I wonder how we could leverage those celebrations and communal experience to build our culture? Going to opening night of Endgame left me with many thoughts, but I couldn’t help thinking about the value and power of communal experiences. We should value them more and do more to intentionally create them in our schools.