Transformation – Hottest Ticket in Town!


The more I write the blogs in this series the more I realize how interconnected each topic becomes.  I am not sure if it is a product of my own leadership interpretation or of the PIRATE ethos…or perhaps both.  We are almost through our PIRATE journey, welcome to the Transformation station.

The Teach Like a PIRATE Transformation section is one of my favorites because of the two most important questions I can think of for reframing how we teach in the classroom:  “If your students didn’t have to be there, would you be teaching in an empty room?” and “Do you have any lessons you could sell tickets for?”

Each question could prompt a reflective exercise to fill a blog or two!  How do they apply however to leadership?

Beyond some of the obvious fill ins, “Would your teachers attend your PD, staff meetings?” or “Do you have any PD sessions you could sell tickets for?” I think there is a question of greater importance given the state of education: “If Parents didn’t have to send their kids to your school, would they?” and “If parents had to pay to send their kids to your school (aka: Private School) would they?”

In today’s educational climate, school choice, charters, and who knows what else that may come down the line, will Parents still send their kids to your school?  Would they pay?  If the answer is yes, you are probably already working on a way to make your school better.  If you are not sure, its time to act.  Start reflecting back on the previous four stops in our journey and make a major shift.  It is time for schools to raise the bar.  If not you then who, if not now then when?

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