I Have A Dream…Just Try to Stop Me! 22:365


In response to the inspirational affirmation letters by my new-found friends and supporters in learning, @johnwick http://revogogy.com/2014/05/07/someone-to-carry-you/ and @sjsbates http://wp.me/p4gZQe-28 and @tritonkory http://tritonkory.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/keep-on-teaching-on/ I write my own affirmation. While the wave of publicized resignation letters goes through the mainstream media, it is important to remind the world that most of us choose to follow our heart, our love of children, and our passion within the system.

Between the world pandering to the lowest common denominator of teachers, and others running for the hills, education needs its champions too. We need them from the highest of the high, all the way through the system. I won’t be in the classroom forever. At some point, hopefully soon, I will find myself in administration. As @sjsbates puts it, we need people who love kids at all levels.

Yesterday My dad asked me again, “if you love kids, why do you want to go into administration?” Its simple, my view of what a school leader is, doesn’t involve a desk.

Every January we dig out the old MLK Jr. lessons and kids start writing about dreams, about equality, about what life ought to be like. It’s not January, but in the words of Rev. King, I Have a Dream.

I dream that classrooms will REALLY be learner centered, that teachers, administrators and parents will put the needs of their children first always, that administrators and teachers will work together to create a culture of thinkers/risk-takers/passionate learners, and where we recognize failure for what it is, another learning opportunity.

That dream may be one I never see. It may be one that never comes to pass. Even so, I would rather continue to fight for what I believe is best for our kids.

I will keep on fighting, I will keep trying to create the changes I believe in by being the person I want to see in others.

If we get lost along the way, its ok, a positive step in the wrong direction is still a step closer to finding your way. Anyone who needs support until they find their feet, climb on these broad shoulders and hang on tight!

I will never give up that fight! Why not? Because, I have a dream and I am not going to let anyone tell me it can’t be done! Are you?

2 thoughts on “I Have A Dream…Just Try to Stop Me! 22:365

  1. An excellent post… never let them stop you. We have the ability to make the changes necessary. The only time something is impossible is when we believe it is. Keep in the fight!

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