Are You the Captain of Your Ship?


I am a huge fan of the book Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess. So much so, that I jokingly requested a sequel for leaders and administrators. It really got me thinking today about both leadership and the TLAP principles, and pirates in general.

While watching the show Black Sails, (I know this is sound pirate research!) the ship captain only was the leader if he held a majority with the crew. That makes being a pirate captain a difficult and temporary position. A captain not only has to lead, but engage and earn the respect of the crew in order to stay captain.

This got me thinking about being a leader, school or otherwise. Are you the captain of your ship? Would you still be captain if your staff had a vote? How close would the vote be? The reason I think these questions are so important, are not because we should bend to the whims of those we lead, but good leaders make great things happen through engaging with their crews and tying a few sails themselves.

Blue Skies, and thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Are You the Captain of Your Ship?

    1. Thank you! TLAP helped me through a difficult start to this year and reinvigorated me when my frustration level was highest. Also, there is nothing cooler than getting to interact with the author of a great book!

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